Thursday, August 13, 2009

I’m not a Benefit Communicator... but there's too much opportunity for me to resist

Recently, Workforce Management online interviewed me & several other experts about using social media for benefit communications. Take a look at the article for yourself here at Tweeting Health Benefits ... in 140 Characters or Fewer (Sorry that publisher requires a username to access.) Now, I’m not an HR Benefit Communicator. I know many other very talented people who this much better than I ever could (like Jen Benz who was mentioned in the article and Fran Melmed who wasn't mentioned helped me significantly).

HR Communications have a strange and strong alure for me. Why? Well... 1) There is SO MUCH OPPORTUNITY to apply more modern communication practices and make an impact. 2) PRACTICALLY EVERY EMPLOYEE is touched by benefit communications & so are their families 3) Businesses are DRIVEN BETTER when employees have their needs met 4) Benefits are often one of the TOP EXPENSES for a company These are good reasons for me to get myself involved.

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